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Saturday 19 October 2019

New catastrophic 'storm'

Scientists have discovered a mixture of cyclones and earthquakes. They named the disaster 'storm'. According to a study published in this week's Geophysical Research Letter periodical, sea-level fluctuations during cyclones and storms can be as tremendous as the magnitude of an earthquake of up to 3.5 degrees and last for several days.

These vibrations occur fairly often, but they have not been noticed before because they were considered as noise in the background of the earthquake.
The quake is a bizarre thing, said Wenyuan Fan, a Florida seismologist who led the study. But this is not something that can hurt you because no one else is standing on the beach during a cyclone.

Fans told the Associated Press about the fact that it was real and frightening, that there was no need for a person to be worried about it. The storm creates a sea monster surge, which creates another wave. The second type of waves subsequently hit the sea at certain points and made waves. This is only where there are huge continental slopes and shallow flatlands.

Fan said his team had received 14,077 storms in the Gulf of Mexico and the Florida coast, New England, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Labrador, and British Columbia from September 2006 to February 2015.

The cyclone Eck of 2008 and the Cyclone Irine of 2011 caused many storms, the study said.
Such shocks create waves that seismologists usually do not notice when earthquake surveillance occurs. That is why they remained hidden for so long.

Paul Earle, a seismologist at the US Geological Survey Agency (USGS), said sea-caused seismic waves were detected in USGS equipment. But in our earthquake search mission, these waves are considered as background noise.