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Saturday 19 October 2019

How much sugar should we eat in a day?

Consuming sugar is harmful to health, but feeling completely sugar-free is not possible. However, excess sugar can cause catastrophic consequences for the body. So we need to know how much sugar we can eat every day.

The American Heart Association advises women to eat no more than 100 calories (25 grams) and more than 150 calories (35.7 grams) of sugar in men. One teaspoon of sugar contains 16 calories. Therefore, women can eat a maximum of six and a half teaspoons and a maximum of 9 and half teaspoons for men. However, this calculation includes other foods, such as beverages, fast food, various vegetables and sugar used in other foods.

On average, Americans eat 22 teaspoons of sugar per day. This excess sugar goes into their stomachs from high fructose corn syrups used in cooking, processed foods, sugar used to sweeten tea or coffee. Excess sugar is added to the body from cold drinks. One can of soda water contain 8 teaspoons of sugar or 130 calories. Each coca cola usually contains this amount of sugar.

As a result of excessive sugar intake, the body becomes obese as it is associated with high blood pressure, heart disease. So if you want to lengthen the body and life, exercise a moderate amount of sugar.